Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
Last Updated on February 15th, 2022
Privacy Policy Privacy Policy
Effective Date: February 15, 2022 is a third party verification service dedicated to protecting consumers from fraud and privacy violations. We work with other businesses displaying the logo such as the one from whose website you transferred to get to this site (collectively the "Site" or "Company"). We provide a secure platform for these businesses to manage and oversee the collection and transfer of consumer information. verifies information submitted through its system by individual consumers seeking information on financial products and services from the businesses that provide them.
Your privacy is important to us. We understand that in seeking information on a mortgage refinance or other financial product or service you are entrusting us with your personal financial information. We take privacy seriously, and want you to feel comfortable using the Site. This page describes our online privacy policy ("Privacy Policy"). This Privacy Policy is designed to protect consumers to ensure you both have a valuable and great experience on our The Site with confidence that your information is safe and secure. This Privacy Policy describes how we use personal information that you submit to us through a website or advertisement displaying the logo, how that information is protected, and what safeguards are available to you if you believe that your privacy has been violated or your personal information misappropriated.
By visiting the Site, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy, as well as our website Terms and Conditions. By requesting information on our products and services, providing information to us, or otherwise using the Site in any way, you are further indicating your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and our Terms and conditions.
1. Collection of Information
The Site collects information from individuals by various methods, including, but not limited to the list herein, which is inclusive of online or offline. (As used herein, "online" means using the Internet, including the Websites, and related technologies, and "offline" means by methods other than online, including in person, in the postal mail, using telephones and cell phones, and other similar means) methods. In these methods, the Site may ask an individual to provide various information, which may include his or her name, email address, street address, zip code, telephone numbers (including cell phone numbers and carriers), birth date, gender, salary range, education and marital status, occupation, social security number, employment information, personal and online interests, user behavior, other demographic information and such other information as may be requested from time to time (together, "Personal Information"). Providing information is completely voluntary, and individuals are under no obligation to provide Personal Information to the Site.
The personal profile information you submit to the Site remains your property, but by submitting that information to the Site, you grant the Site and its Affiliates, the right to use that information for marketing purposes. The Site may also use such information for content improvement and feedback purposes. The Site reserves the right to release current or past member information in the event the Site believes that the membership is being or has been used in violation of its AUP the Rules or to commit unlawful acts, if the information is subpoenaed, if the Site is sold or acquired, or when the Site deems it necessary or appropriate. By agreeing to these terms, you hereby consent to disclosure of any record or communication to any Third Party when the Site, in its sole discretion, determines the disclosure to be appropriate.
 a. Information Collected from You
     a.i. Survey Information. Survey information is for the purposes of providing data to the Site to represent to its customers and to assist the Site in improving its experience for its customers.
     a.ii. Quote Information. Quote information is for the purposes of providing consumers with quotes for services from service providers including but not limited to various mortgage loans, insurance products, credit card offers and other service offerings.
     a.iii. The Site Membership or Registration. To the extent registration is required to receive email and possibly postal communications from the Site, this Privacy Policy also applies to consumers that have agreed to receive e-mail marketing from the Site and its partners, whether at our Website or otherwise.
     a.iv. "Subscription" occurs when an end-user registers for the Site's services, via registration at our website. The Site collects personally identifiable information about our subscribers, based on: information gathered at the time of registration, subscriber interaction and response to subsequent electronic mailings and website use.
     a.v. Requests for Assistance or Service. When an individual requests assistance through the Site€™s customer service department, and when an individual voluntarily subscribes to the Site's service or newsletter (together, "Other Information").
 b. Automated collection of information
The Site currently uses cookie and web beacon technology to associate certain Internet-related information about an individual with information about the individual in our database. Additionally, The Site may use other new and evolving sources of information in the future (together, "Technology Information").
     b.i. Cookies. A cookie is a small amount of data stored on the hard drive of the individual's computer that allows The Site to identify the individual with his or her corresponding data that resides in the Site 's database. You may read more about cookies at Individuals who use the Websites need to accept cookies in order to use all of the features and functionality of the Websites.
     b.ii. Web Beacons. A web beacon is programming code that can be used to display an image on a web page (by using an programming function -- see for more information), but can also be used to transfer an individual's unique user identification (often in the form of a cookie) to a database and associate the individual with previously acquired information about an individual in a database. This allows The Site to track certain website an individual visits online. Web beacons are used to determine products or services an individual may be interested in, and to track online behavioral habits for marketing purposes. For example, The Site might place, with the consent of a Third Party website, a web beacon on the Third Party's website where shoes are sold. When Joe, an individual listed in The Site's database, visits the shoe website, The Site receives notice by means of the web beacon that Joe visited the shoe the Site, and The Site would then update Joe's profile with the information that Joe is interested in shoes. The Site may thereafter present offers of shoe related products and services to Joe. In addition to using web beacons on its and its affiliates web pages, The Site also uses web beacons in email messages sent to individuals listed in The Site's database.
     b.iii. New Technology. The use of technology on the Internet, including cookies and web beacons, is rapidly evolving, as is The Site's use of new and evolving technology. As a result, The Site strongly encourages individuals to revisit this policy for any updates regarding its use of technology.
    b.iv. Usage Tracking and Log Files. The Site tracks information related to the electronic mailings and web pages viewed by users and subscribers, as well as the hyperlinks clicked by subscribers, while viewing our emails or visiting our websites. Log files are used to track and monitor subscriber usage.
     b.v. IP Address. We collect your IP (Internet Protocol) address to help diagnose problems with our server, to gather information on your proximity to improve the Site experience and to administer The Site. An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer when you use the Internet. Your IP address is also used to help identify you during a particular session and to gather broad demographic data. Clear GIFs. We use a common technology known as a "Clear GIF" or "1-by-1 Pixel" on the Site and in e-mail communications with users. A Clear GIF or "graphic interface format" is a small graphic (in fact, truly a 1x1 pixel) that we (or our partners) place on a page of the Site. We may also occasionally place GIFs in e-mail messages that we send to users. GIFs, which do not contain any PII, provide us with important information about how users use the Site and respond to e-mail messages. With this information, we are better able to track the performance of certain promotions and understand the effectiveness of particular creative e-mail presentations. We may also allow our advertisers and promotional partners the ability to use GIFs on the Site solely to track users who link from their respective the Sites to this The Site, but this ability to track such activity does not allow these entities access to user PII.
 c. Outside Information. The Site may receive information about individuals from Third Parties or from other sources of information outside of The Site including information located in public databases ("Outside Information"). The Site will not use your information to pull a credit bureau report without your permission.
 d. No Information Collected from Children. The Site will never knowingly collect any personal information about children under the age of 13. If The Site obtains actual knowledge that it has collected personal information about a child under the age of 13, that information will be immediately deleted from our database. Because it does not collect such information, The Site has no such information to use or to disclose to Third Parties. The Site is designed this policy in order to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA").
 e. Links to External Websites. The Site's mails and websites contain links to external websites. You will be taken to external websites if you click on these links. Your information may be passed from The Site's database to the external website, and/or external database, for your convenience (e.g. your information may be used to pre-fill a form at a destination website). The Site is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of any external website owner. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any website they visit.
2. Use of Individual Information.
 a. Our use of your information.
     a.i. Email and Unsubscribe Policy. The Site uses Individual Information to provide promotional offers by email to individuals. The Site may maintain separate email lists for different purposes. If email recipients wish to end their email subscription from a particular list, they need to follow the instructions at the end of each email message to unsubscribe from the particular list. To unsubscribe from all the Site's email lists, a person must use the Contact Us link on this site and put Unsubscribe in the subject line. The Site unsubscribe process impacts only the future delivery of electronic mailings disseminated by the Site on its own behalf.
     a.ii. Content of Email Messages. In certain commercial email messages sent by The Site, an Advertiser's name will appear in the "From:" line but hitting the "Reply" button will cause a reply email to be sent to The Site. The "Subject:" line of the Site email messages will usually contain a line provided from the Advertiser to The Site.
     a.iii. Solicited Email. The Site only sends email to individuals who have agreed on the Websites to receive email from the Site. As such, the Site does not send unsolicited email messages. As a result, statutes requiring certain formatting for unsolicited email are not applicable to The Site's email messages.
     a.iv. Telemarketing. The Site uses Individual Information to advertise, directly or indirectly, to individuals using direct mail marketing or telemarketing using telephones and cell phones. By registering and using this The Site, You acknowledge that the processing of your individual information may involve the transfer of such PII from within the European Economic Area ("EEA") to countries outside the EEA whose data protection regulation may not be as stringent as that within the European Union. We may use individual information to provide the services you've requested, including services that display customized content and advertising. By submitting Survey Information, The Site Membership or Registration or Quote Information request to the Site, you understand that the Site may contact you by telephone (on a recorded line), automated calling, automated call with pre-recorded message to facilitate a verified phone connection, email, or home mail delivery based on the information you provided to the Site in order to process and fulfill your request, even if you have opted into the National Do Not Call List administered by the Federal Trade Commission, any state equivalent Do Not Call list or the Do Not Call List of the Site or its affiliates. If the Site's contacts you and you with to not be contacted again by the Site, then you should specifically make a request to the Site to not contact you again. Please note that the Site may maintain the information you provided whether you elect to use its services.
     a.v. Wireless Addresses. If the e-mail address you provide to The Site is a wireless e-mail address, you agree to receive messages at such address from The Site or its business associates (unless and until you have elected not to receive such messages by following the instructions in the unsubscribe portion of this policy). You understand that your wireless carrier's standard rates apply to these messages. Short Message Service. The Site may make available a service through which you can receive messages on your wireless device via short message service ("SMS Service"). Data obtained from you in connection with this SMS service may include your name, address, cell phone number, your provider's name, and the date, time, and content of your messages. You represent that you are 18 years of age and the owner or
authorized user of the wireless device on which messages will be received, and that you are authorized to approve the applicable charges. In addition to any fee of which you are notified, your provider's standard messaging rates apply to our confirmation and all subsequent SMS correspondence. All charges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider. The Site will not be liable for any delays in the receipt of any SMS messages, as delivery is subject to effective transmission from your network operator. SMS message services are provided on an AS IS basis. The Site may also obtain the date, time and content of your messages in the course of your use of the SMS Service. We will use the information we obtain in connection with our SMS Service in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If fees are charged to your wireless account invoice, we may provide your carrier with your applicable information in connection therewith. Your wireless carrier and other service providers may also collect data about your wireless device usage, and their practices are governed by their own policies.
You acknowledge and agree that the SMS Service is provided via wireless systems which use radios (and other means) to transmit communications over complex networks. We do not guarantee that your use of the SMS Service will be private or secure, and we are not liable to you for any lack of privacy or security you may experience. You are fully responsible for taking precautions and providing security measures best suited for your situation and intended use of the SMS Service. We may also access the content of your account and wireless account with your carrier for the purpose of identifying and resolving technical problems and service-related complaints.
The Site may use personal information to provide the services you've requested, including services that display customized content and advertising. The Site may also use personal information for auditing, research and analysis to operate and improve our technologies and services. When The Site uses business associates to assist The Site in processing your personal information, The Site requires that they comply with our Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. The Site will not share your personal information unless we have your express permission or under special circumstances, such as when we believe in good faith that the disclosure is required to prevent harm or injury (such as product recalls, fraud, claims or other liability) or to comply with valid legal processes (subpoenas, warrants) or as required by law.
You may remove your information from The Site's database. If you remove your information from The Site's database it will no longer be used by the Site for secondary purposes, disclosed to third parties, or used by the Site to send promotional correspondence to you. You may remove your information by sending your request through the Contact Us link on this website or by sending "STOP", "END", "QUIT" to the SMS text message you have received.
     a.vii. Use of Technology Information. The Site uses Technology Information (1) to track a person's online browsing habits on the Internet, (2) to determine which areas of The Site's websites are most frequently visited. This information helps the Site to better understand the online habits of individuals so that The Site can target advertising and promotions to them. a.viii. Profiles of Individuals. The Site uses Individual Information to make a profile of an individual. A profile can be created by combining Survey Information with other sources of Individual Information such as information obtained from public databases.
     a.ix. Storage of Individual Information. The Site stores the Individual Information in a database on its' computers. Our computers have security measures (such as a firewall) in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under the Site's control. Not withstanding such measures, the Site cannot guarantee that its security measures will prevent its computers from being illegally accessed, and the Individual Information on them stolen or altered.
 b. Dissemination of Individual Information.
     b.i. Marketing and Order Fulfillment. The Site will transfer Individual Information to Third Parties when necessary to provide a product or service that a person orders or requests from such Third Party while using The Site's web the Sites, when completing a Quote Information request or when responding to offers provided by The Site. The Site may also use a Third Party to provide you with information regarding The Site, its services and products or to provide you with Third party services and information which you have requested.All Third Parties associated with the Site have entered into an agreement with the Site, and are required to comply with all state and federal privacy regulations. The Site will not perform a credit check on you unless you authorize it to do so when completing a Quote Information request. However, even if you do not provide your Social Security Number, The Site may access your credit file to verify that your request is complete and accurate and to assist in preventing fraud or identity theft.By submitting a Quote Information request to the Site, you understand that Third Parties may contact you by telephone (on a recorded line), automated calling, mobile phone, SMS, email, or home mail delivery based on the information you provided to the Site in order to process and fulfill your request, even if you have opted into the National Do Not Call List administered by the Federal Trade Commission, any state equivalent Do Not Call list or the Do Not Call List of any internal company. If one of the Site’s Third Party partners contacts you and you with to not be contacted again by that Third Party with respect to your inquiry, then you should specifically make a request to that Third Party to not contact you again. Please note that the Third Parties may maintain the information you provided whether you elect to use their services.
     b.ii. Legal Process. The Site may disclose Individual Information to respond to subpoenas, court orders, and other legal processes.
     b.iii. Access. Individuals have access to their Individual Information collected to provide an opportunity for an individual to correct, amend, or delete such information. Access can be obtained by contacting us at the Contact Us link on this website. The Site may also grant advertising clients and email services providers' access to an individual's email address to verify the origin of the Individual Information collected.
 c. Privacy Practices of Third Parties.
     c.i. Advertiser cookies and web beacons. Advertising agencies, advertising networks, and other companies (together, "Advertisers") who place advertisements on The Sites and on the Internet generally may use their own cookies, web beacons, and other technology to collect information about individuals. The Site does not control Advertisers' use of such technology and The Site has no responsibility for the use of such technology to gather information about individuals.
     c.ii. Links. The Websites and email messages sometimes contain hypertext links to the websites of Third Parties. The Site is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such other websites. Linked websites may contain links to websites maintained by Third Parties. Such links are provided for your convenience and reference only. The Site does not operate or control in any respect any information, software, products or services available on such Third Party websites. The inclusion of a link to a web the Site does not imply any endorsement of the services or the Site, its contents, or its sponsoring organization.
3. Unsubscribe Procedures.
If you wish to discontinue receiving email messages from The Site you have several options:
    a. Unsubscribe from one email list. To unsubscribe from a particular list, either (1) submit a request via the Contact Us link on this website or (2) follow the instructions in each promotional email message sent.
 b. Unsubscribe from all of the Site's email lists. We reserve the right to add Individual Information to multiple lists maintained by the Site. To globally unsubscribe from all of the Site's lists, send a request through the Contact Us link on this site and indicate you wish to be removed from all mailing lists.
Companies that collect personally identifiable information ("PII") from California residents and disclose such information to Third Parties (including affiliated entities) for marketing purposes must, in response to a request by a consumer, either (1) provide a list detailing the categories of information shared and the entities to which such information was provided, or (2) provide a mechanism by which a consumer may opt-out of having their information shared with Third Parties. We have elected the second option and you may request that your PII not be shared with Third Parties by sending your request, including your full name, email address and postal address to: The Site or by mail to California Privacy Information c/o The Site , 6404 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1850, Los Angeles, CA 90048. In accordance with California Civil Code Sec. 1789.3, California resident users are entitled to know that they may file grievances and complaints with California Department of Consumer Affairs, 400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, CA 95814; or by phone at 916-445-1254 or 800-952-5210; or by email to
For more information about protecting your privacy, you may wish to visit: If you have questions about this policy, please contact us at by using the Contact Us link on this site.
Copyright 2022- - All Rights Reserved is an online news and information service providing editorial content and directory information about mortgages and loans. SmarterYou is not a lender or mortgage broker and does not offer loans or mortgages directly or indirectly through representatives or agents. SmarterYou does not provide an application for credit or a mortgage loan. SmarterYou is not responsible for the accuracy of information or responsible for the accuracy of the rates, APR or loan information posted by brokers, lenders or advertisers. All trademarks and logos appearing on this site are the property of their respective owners. Their appearance on this site does not indicate or imply an endorsement of our product.
Terms and Conditions Apply –
The actual interest rate, APR and payment you are offered may vary based on the specific terms of the loan selected, verification of information, your credit history, the location and type of property, and other factors as determined by Lenders. This offer may not be available in all states and is subject to change without notice. Payment does not include taxes and insurance premiums. Some state and county maximum loan amount restrictions may apply. Mortgage rates could change daily. Actual payments will vary based on your individual situation and current rates. Some restrictions may apply.

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